Monday, June 11, 2007

Man Cat Monday

My house is being painted. The window sills were painted a bright, crisp, white yesterday. They looked so nice and clean and it really freshened up the place a bit.

I had to go out yesterday evening, but, because of the humidity, the paint wasn't dry when I was ready to leave so I had to leave the windows open.

Of late, my precious white baby Sebastian has started this new thing where he sits on these window sills and looks out. He'll actually walk from window sill to window sill admiring the view - mainly Dawg Lu. The other cats prefer to go outside to admire the view.

Well, when I got home I noticed something funny on my very dark brown coffee table. There were little white paw prints making a semi straight line right across the table. And the clean freshly painted window sills? Well, there were little brown paw prints all across those. I examined everybody's paws and saw no traces of white paint, but Sebastian's paws fit just perfectly to the marks on the table so talk about caught red handed...or white pawed as the case may be! :-)

So if anyone knows a way to get white oil based paint off a dark brown stained teak coffee table, I would greatly appreciate it! :-D

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