Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


sonia a. mascaro said...

Just amazing picture! Well done!

Ingrid said...

That could be my Arthur ! They would look like twins, only his collar is more pink ! (My cats & funny stories)

Anonymous said...

Thanks sonia :)

Gattina, he gave the bowl a break for a while, not sleeping in it. But then after trying out various sleeping areas he decided the bowl was the most comfortable and has now repossessed the bowl for himself! :-)

Lux said...

What a *great photo!!!

Anonymous said...

Too cute for words to describe. Looks like this cat is in kitty land.

The Cat Realm said...

This is priceless!!!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

I love the tiny white pawprints in front of the bowl ;o)